Captian’s Log – day 35 COVID-19 Lockdown

Captain’s Log – day 35. Surprising news today, a reported 80% of positive COVID-19 patients are men. Is it possible that the other population is not accustomed to reporting “man flu” symptoms, therefore just going about life like normal? Also, I was alarmed to see what I considered a normal, healthy and sane person today in the office with a medical-grade mask. Was not sure how to react…is she infected? Should I rush to my desk to sanitize the workstation? Or does this person know that someone else in the office is sick and they are trying to stay healthy? Trying to not go with the third option that said person thinks that masks are now a fashion statement. Maybe this person has not been able to go to the salon for a few weeks and is hiding the mustache that is now raging out of control. Will withhold judgment at this time.

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